Monday, May 17, 2010

The kids first trip to the beach.

I took the kids to the beach for the first time last weekend. They were a little confused because they call the river the beach, so they thought we were driving all of the way back to Lake Havasu. I told them this was the ocean so of course the first thing out of Cole's mouth was "will there be sharks there?" We watch a lot of animal planet TV. I assured them they were safe and they were all excited to go, especially when the bathing suits and sunscreen were coming out, and the towels packed in the car. When we got there they all headed for the water and they loved seeing the waves. They especially liked when they stood still and could feel the waves pulling back. Emma and Seamus were trying to jump the waves and Cole stood next to me at the beginning. Emma and Seamus are already like fish, they love the water, but until beach day Cole tended to just want to get his feet wet. However, he loved the beach, we walked up to get a snack, and all he wanted to do was get back in the water, he was having soooo much fun. He especially like get all wet and then laying in the sand. I think he was trying to be sandman, he did a pretty good job. It is great to see the kids so happy doing something I love as well. We will definitely be going back very soon. Here are a few pictures from that day.

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