Monday, May 3, 2010

Lake Havasu

We went to Lake Havasu this past weekend. It was the kids and I, and Jill with her two little ones. We had sooo much fun. We stayed in a hotel this time, and it was a first for the kids. They were very excited, and kept telling strangers that we are living in a hotel. I think I got a few "Oh I'm so sorry looks" It's funny now kids see things. The weather was wonderful. We were able to have a wonderful time at rotary beach. We would sit there and build sand castles, and Seamus, Emma, and Leyla braved the cold water. It was so peaceful being their, even with five kids under 6. We also got to meet our new little cousin Emma. She is a month old and adorable. The kids kept asking to see Baby Emma ever since we told them she was born. We can't wait to see them again. One big highlight of the weekend was when we stepped outside of our hotel there were 6 Harley Davidson motorcycles parked right next to us. I though Seamus was going to die. He loves Harley Davidson motorcycles. He asked for the camera to take pictures and he took a bunch. One of the owners of the bikes saw how excited he was and asked if Seamus wanted to sit on one for a picture. He had the biggest smile. The gentleman was even nice enough to let all of the kids pick a bike to sit on and take a picture. I will post copies of the pics soon. Seamus is already asking to go back he says, "How about June Mom, I would like to go back to the river". Oh I wish it were that easy. I will post pictures of our river trip later, and to note Seamus took most of the pictures on the trip. Even Jill and I are in some of the pictures. It was pretty cool.

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